Friday, July 31, 2009

The field of kickball...dreams.

If you want to see a bunch of adults play a kids game.. you should make it out to Gregg Clarke Park Field #1 (the one next to the Post Office on Rebel Road) tonight at about 6:30 to catch my team (PRAY BALL) play the Intimidators in KICK BALL.

Cheer on the Kyle United Methodist Church. You will get your rewards in heaven.*

It's going to be fun.

(*Sorry, I can't back that statement up, really.. it's up to you and God)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Went to Milt's Pit BBQ to pick up dinner the other day. Still the best brisket in town.. and the kiddos LOVE the turkey.

One of the things I like about the place is this wall.. it's full of past-customer's signatures and comments. Awesome. I had to take a photo.

The wall at Milt's

Jessica said "Great BBQ" on 4/15/08. I agree.

Milt's Pit BBQ
905 North Old Highway 81,
Kyle, TX 78640

Monday, July 27, 2009

Originally uploaded by seanclaes
Ever wonders what happens when you take your chia pet out on a walk.... and it pees on a fire hydrant?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kyle is really very clean. This was at a house site on my street, and I liked the way it looked. The leveled dirt, and the meal eaten by the man who leveled it. Maybe.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fox's Pizza Den
Originally uploaded by seanclaes
I've got a little story to tell about Fox's Pizza.
They've been open for over a year now (I shot their sign in May 08) and my family prefers it to any of the others in town. But that's not the story... here's the story.

So... Wednesday night, my 5 year old daughter has the flu... my wife is staying home with her. I picked up my 2 year old from daycare and called home asking if I could pick anything up for dinner. She decided she'd call Fox's Pizza and I could drive straight there to pick it up.

I arrive at Fox's. Pick up the pizza... and other things.. They dropped it into a bag for me... gave my daughter a free kids cup (they rock that way), and I paid them and headed home. So... normal story so far.. right?

OK.. I got home. and set the pizza down.. made some kind of remark about the extra stuff my wife ordered... she asked "what other stuff" and I showed her the 6 garlic chicken wings and dozen mozzarella sticks. She said she didn't order them. I went to the pizza boxes and found a large cheese and medium meatball pizza. I realized... THIS ISN'T OUR ORDER.

I called to let them know, and they already knew. They had cancelled the credit card transaction and said they would send a driver out with our order. They said we could keep the order we brought home (ROCK ON). I decided to drive back and pick our pizza up. My daughter had her heart set on her bacon-topped pizza and breadsticks.

When I arrived, they handed me the correct order, along with the canceled credit card slip and told me that our order was free too. They apparently had two people named "Sean" that ordered for pick-up.

Just so I could pay for SOMETHING I got a slice of cheesecake.. a new menu item...

I hope the other "Sean" doesn't fault Fox's for the err... I sure don't.
They were already my family's favorite place in town for pizza, and now I like them even more now than I did before.

Oh.. and meatball pizza is GOOD. That other Sean has good taste in ordering. We ate on that order for 4 days. I just finished the last of the pizza for lunch today.

In Kyle?
Need Pizza?

Fox's Pizza Den
147 Elmhurst Dr
Kyle, TX 78640
(512) 268-3697

It's on Goforth road... on the East side of the highway.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fancy Vandals

Fancy Vandals
Originally uploaded by seanclaes
One of the kids who was spray painting the Plum Creek Neighborhood in the last few weeks was about this size.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nice.. um.. pants.

The collection.
Originally uploaded by seanclaes
A friend GAVE me a bunch of funky pants. They rock. I wore the pink ones to work on Tuesday. Got a lot of attention. My wife just kind of laughed at me.

I also wore them to "coffee with the pastor" Tuesday night.. nothing greets your new pastor (at the Kyle United Methodist Church) like greeting her wearing shockingly pink pants.

Want to get your own pair?
Check out the "BidBits" store on E-Bay. It's her store.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We're on the prairie, folks.

The land that was cleared for my development is really only one degree removed from wild. As we water our grass on our allotted one day per week, and dig weeds, and poison fire ants, we continue to see the stubborn mesquite push up through every effort. This little tree is a fine example of natural selection. And, in many ways, it's a good companion for us. It restores nitrogen to the soil. The wood is hard and fine, makes good furniture, smokes great meat. The pod seeds can be ground into flour. And once the saplings move from their tender infant stage, they do not continue to produce thorns.

I have decided to let one grow. There's not much I can do about it anyway...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Check out that splash!

Check out that splash!
Originally uploaded by seanclaes
4th of July celebration in the Plum Creek neighborhood in Kyle, Texas.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Originally uploaded by seanclaes
Yesterday was his birthday. He's my neighbor.
His name is Brad.
I won't tell you how old he is... ahem40ahem.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Things I love about Manna From Heaven...

-Picadillo tacos are ¡Holy Moly!

-Super fresh delicious healthy salad/soup/fruit bar.

-The waitress who has foster parented 8 kids.

-The loquat tree. Sean has a loquat he likes, too...

-The salsa is HOT!

-The whole staff has Sundays off. In other words, they are closed.

-Prayer request jar. Who don't?

-The pistol shaped grill. I don't care what you say- that thing is totally cool.

602 W Center St.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hospital is coming along.
Originally uploaded by seanclaes
Kyle is getting a hospital. According to the Seton Web site, Seton Medical Center Hays will open its doors for patients on October 1, 2009. Great news!

You may notice the white thing that is on top of the hospital. This "cornette" is symbolic of the linen hat that the Sisters of Charity wore. The Seton hospitals were founded by The Daughters of Charity in the 1900s.

The July 8 edition of the Hays Free Press has a nice article talking about the cornette. You can read it here:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I met Diana Castilleja at Kyle Market Days.

She is a romance author who resides in Kyle and is holding her newest release, Aiza Clan - Trusting Delilah & A Trust Earned.

Tomorrow (July 15) she will electronically release her next book, Crowning A Warrior King." It will be available in print next month.

Here's a little YouTube preview:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Always Fun?

Originally uploaded by seanclaes
Long John Siilvers sign in Kyle.
Always Crunchy. Always Fun.

I don't know about that... I'm not one to have fun with my fish planks.
Although those crunchies are really entertaining.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

I really think they need to improve on snow cone cup technology.

This is my daughter.
Those are new shorts.
You don't even want to see what the shirt looks like.

Snow cone meltdown.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Helping it to rain.

Helping it to rain.
Originally uploaded by seanclaes
It actually rained in Kyle this morning. I'd like to thank this man... whom was getting his car washed on the 4th of July. I'll bet he doesn't know it, but just by getting a car wash, he increased the chances of rain by 50%.

You know... nothing brings rain like a freshly washed vehicle. At least that was my thought as I was waiting in the Long John Silvers drive-thru when I saw him pull into the wash... and took this photo.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Originally uploaded by seanclaes
Miss Kyle, Miss Kyle Teen, and Lil Miss Kyle marched in the Fourth of July Parade in Kyle's Plum Creek neighborhood. It was a good time. For more Fourth of July photos from this parade, visit my "Plum Creek" set on my Flickr -

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Addi the puppy.

Addi the puppy.
Originally uploaded by seanclaes
I hit up the parade in my neighborhood with the kiddos yesterday morning, then I head out to check out the Kyle Market Days.

Of all the interesting 4th of July themed outfits I saw, I think this one was my favorite.
The puppy is Addi Blessings.
The outfit is by Dora Sosa. She has a business called "Addi's Place" that is out each month at the Market Days.

Very cool.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Ain't that America...

Today is Independence Day. We honor our own fine nation, a place where tolerance and equality are winning the day. My family is thankful every day that we wake up here. What better way to celebrate the US than a photo montage of middle America? Kyle is, in so many ways, the quintessential small town. People know each other. We live simply. We like fireworks and pie. But Kyle also represents the face of a changing, and to my mind improving, global culture. A return to community, but with the added bonus of true diversity. And we all care a whole lot what happens, not just here but everywhere. This is home. This is the United States of America.

The marquee reads: "People are as friendly as you are." Have a great day!

Friday, July 03, 2009

I hope that Ken brings out the bagpipes this year. This is the scene for the annual 4th of July parade in the Plum Creek neighborhood. (This photo is from last year)

Here's the information for this year:

Saturday, July 4th from 10AM to Noon - Plum Creek's 4th of July Celebration

Decorate those wagons, strollers, bikes, and scooters and come out to march with your neighbors in the parade.

If you don’t want to decorate your stuff or walk, please come out and cheer on those in the parade. It is a sight to see! The Parade will start at Witte and Negley and continue down Witte to McNaughton

Park with the picnic to follow. Bring the whole family and enjoy the fun.

Bring your swim suits, we will have a water slide provided by Jumps for Joy. Also, we will have hot dogs, hamburgers, and all the fixins'. Enjoy drinks and snow cones, too.

Bring blankets for a picnic, lawn chairs, swimsuits, and sunscreen.


See you there!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

The Jumpy Place
241 Weldon Johnston Way
Kyle,TX 78640

This place is awesome. It's clean, quiet, family-owned, well-lit, safe, and there's wireless.
These kids are also awesome. They're messy, unruly, family-owned, precarious, and the best part of my world wide web.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Cooking up Kyle Burger
Originally uploaded by seanclaes
At the June Kyle Market Days I found The Texas Pie Company's mobile grilling unit out and cooking up some Kyle Burgers.

It's called a "Kyle Burger" because all of the ingredients from the meat to the toppings are locally grown.
You can read more about that in an April story of the Hays Free Press:

The next Kyle Market Days is this Saturday, July 4.
Who's playing?
9 a.m., Texas Blind Salamanders
noon, Pee Wee & The Way 'Tis

I always take the girls out there for a little fun, music, and business card collecting (my 5 year old collects business cards. Yes... I like that. Business cards are free...

Anyhow... I'm thinking I'm finally going to try one of these Kyle Burgers this week.


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