Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bar-B-Que Gone

Railroad BBQ - RIP
They painted over the Big "Bar-B-Que" letters yesterday.... I didn't think I'd be as sad as I was when I saw that building with a fresh coat of paint... but it was a bit sad.

BUT... all things must end and there's a great new beginning in Down South Railhouse.. coming soon to that building. Opening in March 2015.

See what's coming here:

Friday, January 30, 2015

Look at the Star in the Sky

Gazebo... that's just fun to say.
I walked through City Square Park (it's on the grounds of the Old City Hall... and for those who don't know what that is.. it's the building in the "square" on Center Street as you come into Kyle) and stopped at the gazebo. Saw the stark blue sky (yes it was 80+ degrees yesterday) juxtaposed against the lone-star design of the gazebo. I thought it made for a neat photo. It almost looks like a painting... but it's a straight up iPhone photo.. unedited.

What do you think?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Special of the Day - Meatloaf

Moments after this photo was taken, this was in my belly

Did you know that Thursday's Special at Texas Pie Company is meatloaf? I've never really been a fan of the "stuff mom used to make" meals at restaurants... but this stuff is top notch. And for $6.95 I got this and a glass of iced tea. Winning.

Texas Pie Company
202 West Center Street
Kyle, TX 78640

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


And All The People Said... Amen
I really enjoy listening to the choir on Sunday morning at Kyle United Methodist Church. Since I sing in the praise band during the 11:15a service, I hardly ever make it to the 8:45a service where the choir performs... but this past Sunday I did.

Enjoyed it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Evo Entertainment in Kyle, Texas

It's EVO!
At the end of November 2014 Kyle, Texas moved up in the world of entertainment... Evo Entertainment opened it's doors... with  a full restaurant/bar, bowling alley, video games and an 11-screen movie theater.


Monday, January 26, 2015

Friday, January 23, 2015

Rock The Porch - Plum Creek Golf Course

Rock The Porch - At Plum Creek Golf Course
I visited my rocking chair over at the Plum Creek Golf Course... it's still holding together... Pretty happy about that. It's from the Plum Creek Rock the Porch 2014 instillation of public art.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Claiborne Kyle Log House

Claiborne Kyle Log House
The Claiborne Kyle Log House was constructed in 1850 and is (I think) the only one of its kind, double pen, dogtrot log home, sitting on its original land in the US.

It was the home of Lucy Bugg and Claiborne Kyle... parents of Fergus Kyle.. whom the city of Kyle was named after.

It opens monthly each year between the Sunday after Easter (for Blooms over the Blanco) and closes up after the fourth Sunday in September (Kyle Fried Chicken Dinner).

More information about the Claiborne Kyle Log House, join them on Facebook.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Fifty Cent Corn Dogs at Sonic - 1/20/15

Fifty Cent Corn Dogs? Yes, please
Apparently tomorrow is "Best Friends Day" and Sonic is celebrating with 50 cent corn dogs.
Hooray friends!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Kyle United Methodist Church

Pastor Wes Cain. Kyle United Methodist Church
Pastor Wes Cain began a new 10-week series on parables today..
His sermon is recorded each week and uploaded to

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Free Beer

No Shirt... Free Beer.
Saw this on the wall at Spicy Bite in Kyle.
The 12 year-old in me laughed really hard.
The 41 year-old father who had to explain what it meant to my 10 year old daughter... not so much.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Throwback Thursday - CVS Pharmacy in 2008

January 2008. A big stack of CVS.
For Flashback Thursday.. we're reaching back to 2008... a lot of difference 7 years can make... this is the pile of bricks and steel that became CVS Pharmacy (102 North Street, Kyle, TX 78640).

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Flashback.... Chick-fil-A

Meanwhile back in December at Chick-fil-A
It's Sunday... and you know you always want Chick-Fil-A on Sunday.. right?

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Brain... what do YOU want to do today?

Check out my name-tag
So.. yesterday I went to an awards assembly at my daughters school and the front office lady asked me what I was there for (we know each other) and I said, I'm here to take over the world... so my nametag reflected it. :)

Friday, January 09, 2015

Negley's 2nd Annual Expo

Back in December Negley Elementary School in Kyle held their 2nd Annual Expo.
I was able to volunteer w/ a group of 5th graders... I think this was the Hays County Extension Office/ AgriLife space where the kids were taught about the "must haves" when trying to survive.
It was a neat day for the kiddos.

Thursday, January 08, 2015

Truth in Advertising - Mobile Home

I was driving around Kyle the other day and I came across this advertisement. Now.. I'm sure the people who made the sign meant that the availability of this deal wouldn't be around for a long time... but the way I read it was... this New Mobile Home wouldn't be a home for a long time... as in... you know... this thing isn't going to last a very long time before it's time to find another place to live.

Yes.. I have an odd way of looking at the world.. and this made me giggle. 
All apologies to the owners of this mobile home... I'm sure it's lovely.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

The Key To Life

I find the oddest things while cleaning my garage.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Painting IN 2015!

Helping Lone Star Kettle Corn paint & get their storefront ready

Last Saturday, the kids and I spent a few hours helping Lone Star Kettle Corn paint their new storefront... well.. I painted while the kiddos played and helped clean the back lot. Lots of work was done and lots of fun was had... and now lots of kettle corn has been eaten. 

They will be open soon at 108 S Front in Kyle.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Happy Sunday.

Pastor Wes Cain - Kyle United Methodist Church


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