Sunday, August 05, 2007

I've been immortalized! Well.. my photos have anyhow. Back in February, a representative from Wells Fargo bank messaged me that they were opening a store in Kyle and wondered if I could take some photos of landmarks... I ended up taking about 5-6 shots and sending them off.... never heard back... but I saw the bank was open and decided to see if they ever used my pictures.

I was surprised and excited to see they had.

This is my name on the "key" to the mural. The photo next to it is mine... you can see that photo on here back in February.

I'll post the mural itself tomorrow.


iBlowfish said...

Congrats for you commercial picture, nice shot!

annulla said...

Congratulations, so nice to see your work recognized. You're famous!

Blather From Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

Fame. It is fun to be famous. It is nice to see your work in print or on television.

Abraham Lincoln
Atomic bombs and goggles today

Sean Claes said...

Thanks! If it wasn't for Kyle, Texas Daily Photo, this would have never happened. Pretty cool.

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

Congratulations on your claim to fame.

Shorty said...

It is indeed pretty cool. I know a number of dp'ers who've been approached because of their dp site.


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