I've always liked the look of this service station. To me it typifies "Old Kyle" before all of the new subdivisions and neighborhoods moved in in the last 5 or 6 years.
You know, the population of Kyle was about 5,314 in the year 2000.... An estimated 17,770 folks called Kyle home in a July 2005 consensus. It's a 234.4% increase in 5 years.... and still growing.
I hope stations like this one can survive. I'd hate for the city to become a chain business mecca.
Happy Monday
That is a neat old station. Unfortunately, "progress" crushes all. You'll be glad you took this picture when they bulldoze the place for Tires R Us.
This is true... I guess I'm glad the Autozone and Goodyear are opening on the other side of the highway... (Kyle is a small town that is pretty much divided 70/30 by IH-35.. I live on the west side of the highway...where the square is..and about 70% of the city.
There used to be another mom & pop place in town where I'd get my oil changes and work done on the truck... it closed down... progress...
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