Tuesday, April 30, 2013

PRAY BALL - praying

PRAY BALL - Spring 2013 by seanclaes
PRAY BALL - Spring 2013, a photo by seanclaes on Flickr.

Probably my favorite part of playing Co-Ed Adult Kickball for my church team, PRAY BALL, is praying with the other team at the end of the game. My wife caught this photo last Friday.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Wasps New?

Beware of wasps nests. It's been my experience that, if you don't bother them, they won't bother you.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kickball :30

Free Ballers vs. Great Balls of Fire
Safe at first... but a nice throw.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Do you Hop?

Well... IHOP. Breakfast is good. Of course my favorite thing is the carafe of coffee.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Lake Kyle by seanclaes
Lake Kyle, a photo by seanclaes on Flickr.
This is Lake Kyle. Last year the Kyle Parks and Recreation Department moved their headquarters to the land around this.

There's a BIG party tonight at the lake... includes night fishing, washers & horseshoes, a fun run, games for kiddos, some great music, and more. It's the FULL MOON JUBILEE.

Check out all the stuff going on:

Date: April 26th, 2013
Time: 6 p.m.- 11 p.m.
at Lake Kyle Park

It's $10 a car (as many folks as you can squeeze into a car).

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happy HootDay!


In honor of my best friend, Brian "The Hoot" Allman, who turns 40 today... here's a hoot owl.
I found this in the Cooridor Primary Care doctor's office in front of the Plum Creek neighborhood.

Happy Birthday Hoot.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tortilla Soup Label Mishap

Can you spot the error?

I was reading the back label of some Cookwell & Company Tortilla Soup. I THINK this was an error... but I can't be sure. There's something in parenthesis that I think was a note to the editors of the label... and ended up getting printed.

I guess I've been a writer/editor too long... because this made me chuckle... and then take a picture.

.. FYI I agree with the sentiment... sour cream shouldn't be a part of tortilla soup.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Plum Creek Lake - Kyle, Texas

This is the dock at the Plum Creek Lake in the Plum Creek neighborhood in Kyle, Texas. Residents of the neighborhood are allowed to catch-and-release fish... and there's a jogging trail around the lake. You can also be like my family and I and hang on the dock and skip rocks.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Biker Barbie

A bike at the Kyle Parks & Rec Bike Rodeo... had this Barbie bike attached to it. Pretty awesome... Barbie has seen better days. :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Happy 9 and 6 Kiddos!

April 21, my brownie turned 9. April 18, my blondie turned 6. They rock.
That is a 2 layer ice-crem cake... made of ice cream sandwiches, because my wife is awesome that way.
This was at their birthday party last weekend. We spent their birthday weekend at Old Settlers Music Festival... which was amazing.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Bountiful Baskets!

Bountiful Baskets WIN!

Every two weeks, my wife and I buy from Bountiful Baskets in Kyle, Texas. For $15 you can get an assortment of veggies and fruit.

This is my photo of the stuff we got today. We spent more than $15 on this haul... because we added on artisan bread, granola, carrots and apples.

Totally worth it.
Look up Bountiful Baskets in your area - http://www.bountifulbaskets.org/
If you want to connect with the Kyle group, it's on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BountifulBasketsKyleTx

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ray Hernandez Farewell Celebration

On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 the City of Kyle declared it to be Raymond Charles Hernandez day. The Executive Director of the Kyle Chamber of Commerce was also celebrated as he has accepted a position at another Chamber.

Ray is the one in the back row under the Texas flag.

Today is his last day as the Executive Director of the Kyle Chamber of Commerce.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Train Art in Kyle

Train Art.
Sometimes we have to wait on a train here in Kyle. Well... most times. I like to take the time to check out the traveling art show.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Respect. by seanclaes
Respect., a photo by seanclaes on Flickr.
There were many flags around Kyle, Texas flown at half-staff yesterday to honor the memories of those who perished in the senseless Boston bombings.

This one was at the Sac N Pac (20925 Interstate 35 North).

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Casa Garcias in Kyle

Mmmm fajitas by seanclaes
Mmmm fajitas, a photo by seanclaes on Flickr.
Went to the Kyle location of Casa Garcias yesterday for lunch. Had their fajita plate... it was under $7 and it was pretty stellar.

I dig the fact they have a tortilla lady making fresh ones. Mmmm fajitas.

Casa Garcias
5401 S. FM 1626
Kyle, TX 78640

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Kyle Parks and Rec Family Fun Ride

Today the Kyle Parks and Recreation Department had a Bicycle Rodeo and Family Fun Ride. We had a great time. It's fantastic to live in a town that has so much to do.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Texas. by seanclaes
Texas., a photo by seanclaes on Flickr.

My daughter's boots hanging out over the water of the lake at Plum Creek in Kyle, Texas.

I don't know why her boots have zippers on the side. They don't serve a purpose... I guess it's an 8-year-old thing.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Duane and Marilyn Beals at The Claiborne Kyle Log House

2013 Blooms Over The Blanco by seanclaes
2013 Blooms Over The Blanco, a photo by seanclaes on Flickr.
I snapped this picture of Duane and Marilyn Beals at the 2013 Blooms over the Blanco at the Claiborne Kyle Log House in Kyle, Texas.

Duane and Marilyn served on the Claiborne Kyle Log House Commission for many years before "retiring" from it recently.

They are the reason I learned of and first visited this historic home all those years ago. Glad I did. It's an amazing piece of Kyle history.

It's open on the first Sunday of each month from May - August this year. If you're in the area, it's worth a look.

If you' like to stay up-to-date on things concerning the Kyle Log House, they've got a Facebook Page - facebook.com/KyleLogHouse

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Celebrating the Fajita King's Birthday on 3/13

Sean Claes & Ray Hernandez
 So, March 13 was the Sonny "The Fajita King" Falcon's birthday. I think I've established his awesomeness in the Kyle area in the last few days.

On that day, I called up Kyle Chamber Director Ray Hernanadez and we went to Garcia's Restaurant (575 E Ranch 150 Rd, Kyle, TX)  to celebrate Sonny's birthday the way any self-respecting Kyle citizen should... with a fajita taco.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Lucky Dawgs BBQ - Kyle Fajita Fiesta 2013 Grand Champion

Lucky Dawgs BBQ - Kyle Fajita Fiesta 2013 Grand Champion by seanclaes
Lucky Dawgs BBQ pose with winnings & The Lions Club's Blake Hartman
This past weekend was the Lions Club's Kyle Fajita Fiesta & BBQ Cookoff.

Kyle has a Fajita Fiesta becase it was during Kyle's Dies y Seis de Septiembre celebration in 1969 that Sonny Falcon sold the very first Fajita taco. (source)

This is Lucky Dawgs BBQ. They won Grand Champion BBQ team for 2013.

They received 3rd place Chicken, 2nd place Ribs, and 2nd place Brisket.

I judged all three of those and I have to say... there were quite a few DELICIOUS entries...so this was a tough one.

Lucky Dawgs BBQ - facebook.com/luckydawgsbbq

If you'd like to see ALL of the photos (I took photos of each of the winners in every category) visit my flickr set - http://www.flickr.com/photos/seanclaes/sets/72157633184749574/

Monday, April 08, 2013

Me with Sonny "The Fajita King" Falcon.

Sonny "The Fajita King" Falcon sold the first fajita taco. Really. Kyle, Texas is the home of the Fajita taco.

From Wikipedia: "Sonny Falcon is believed to have operated the first commercial fajita taco stand at a weeklong outdoor event in Kyle, Texas, in 1969" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fajita
I got to judge ribs with him at the BBQ cookoff during the 2013 Kyle Fajita Fiesta on Saturday.

I'm a lucky guy.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Bountiful Baskets - Kyle

Bountiful Baskets - Kyle by seanclaes
Bountiful Baskets - Kyle, a photo by seanclaes on Flickr.
Recently, Kyle became a distribution point for Bountiful Baskets (http://bountifulbaskets.org/). This is a photo I took of a few of the baskets on the morning of the last distribution.

Bountiful Baskets is a Food co-op that is run by the folks who purchase the items which are largely produce. The cost is  $15 for a Conventional Basket, and $25 for a 100% Certified Organic Basket. Plus.. they have some fantastic add ons for a little extra $$. The bread is amazing.

My family has bought a basket a few times and the fruits and veggies we get are pretty amazing.

If you live in America, check their Website to see if they distribute in your area. Tell 'em Kyle, Texas Daily Photo sent you. It won't mean anything to them.. but it'll make me feel good. :)

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Bob Schneider @ Hats Off For Hospice

DSCF5944 by seanclaes
DSCF5944, a photo by seanclaes on Flickr.
On March 24, 2013 Austin musician Bob Schneider played for a great crowd at the annual Hats off for Hospice at Texas Old Town. It was a great day with a lot of money raised for the cause + we even got to see a marriage proposal.


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