Kyle’s Pumpkin Patch In Plum Creek
Third Annual KUMC Pumpkin Patch has arrived
Over 1,000 pumpkins moved into Kyle over the weekend. It’s the third annual Kyle United Methodist Church Pumpkin Patch. Come out and pick your pumpkin from now until October 31. Patch is located at the corner of Fairway and Hartson in Plum Creek.By Sean Claes
We’ve got pumpkins, yes we do. We’ve got pumpkins here for you!
On Friday, October 17, hundreds and hundreds of pumpkins are arriving in Kyle’s Plum Creek Neighborhood. It’s time for the Third Annual Kyle Pumpkin Patch, sponsored by the Kyle United Methodist Church.
Located in Plum Creek at the “soccer field” at the corner of Fairway and Hartson (the same location as years past), the patch is across the street from the decorated round bales (for 2008 they are Ms. Mummy and Mr. Vampire).
The Kyle Pumpkin Patch will be open from Saturday (10/18) until Halloween day. Hours of operation are 2:30p.m until dusk Monday – Friday, 9 until dusk Saturday and noon until dusk on Sunday.
There will be various prices for various sizes from under a dollar to over fifty. Also for sale are assorted fall-extras like gourds, Indian corn, and mini-white pumpkins. There’s also going to be a pumpkin maze and several staged areas do you can get your annual fall pumpkin patch photo.
The pumpkins are provided and priced by Pumpkin Patch Fundraisers, Inc. who have helped churches and non-profits raise money by selling pumpkins for over 25 years. All proceeds will go toward youth missions and activities at Kyle United Methodist Church.

Here's a shot of the folks who helped unload all of the pumpkins on a Friday Night.