Friday, February 04, 2011

It hasn't snowed in Kyle for a few years (December 2008), and I can't remember the last time it actually stuck.  I think I made a snowman in 2004. But.. this is something folks in central Texas aren't used to.. so... work is closed, school is closed, and MY kids are asleep still.

I'm off to pick up a friend's kids (they're both nurses... they don't get the option of not working) and I'll see about snapping a few more shots. I'll put them up on my flickr page if you'd like to see them.

Mr. Gnome says.. Hello snow.

How do you get a kid up and dressed before 7a? SNOW! Zach here is NOT about to his his mom with a snowball.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it has snowed just about evreywhere this week.....


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