This is something that has always bothered me since I moved to Kyle. The Hays High School mascot is 'The Rebel" so it isn't uncommon to see folks with rebel flag stickers on their cars and displaying them prominently...especially during football season (which starts tonight). I'm not sure if I want my child to be a "Rebel" when she reaches high school... but we'll cross that path when we come to it (she's only 2 years-old).
Now.. I understand the whole "it's not a racist thing" and if you are within the confines of Hays's not seen as a negative symbol. But, once you leave the cozy confines of Hays County... that flag is not always seen in the best light. In fact, it ties the person who displays it into a big negative stereotype.
OK... you can argue about it all you want... you know the swastika is a sacred symbol in Hinduism and Jainism... but of course we equate it with the Nazis. Also.. I don't see a high school out there with the swastika as a mascot. I know.. an extreme example.
This barn (or shed) is about a block off the main square in town. I'm somewhat astonished that this paintjob has survived almost 10 years. Maybe I'm too sensitive...
Anyway... I saw somewhere on the Daily Photo blogs that this day was dedicated to photos of doors... so...
These folks left their barn door open.... for criticism.
Interesting, thought provoking post.
Hey Sean...verrrrrrrrrry interesting bit of history on that ol' barn door...hmmmmmmmmmmmm...see any "barnstormers" sitting around idle? Might just need to do a little makeover, LOL! Thanks for stoppin' by Santa Clara DP! Love your creativity & sense of humor...right up my alley! (=
I enjoyed your photos! I like how you pointed out the rebel tradition! Many people do look at it from a different stand point, but if you don't live there, people really can't judge!! Thanks for making the distinction, but I'm a CARDINAL!! WHOO HOO DEL VALLE!
You kept me reading because of your humor!!
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