Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Kyle Flea Market.


Since I posted a few shots of stuff around the flea market.... I should post a shot of the market itself. I like the fact that they painted F L E A M A R K E T on the roof... I used to think it was for planes (talk about selling to a niche market) but it can be seen from the highway as well... Yes if you're driving down I-35 southbound and get to the Kyle Exit (213) look to your right and you too can see this fantastic Kyle landmark.

You may be able to see the mattresses from yesterday just to the right of the "driveway" below the Texas Flag on the left.

Oooh... it's open today.
Happy Saturday.

1 comment:

juls said...

I love this place! Bargains galore, let me tell you. Nice people, good small town atmosphere and good eats to snack on while you're shopping. There is some junk there, but you know what they say -- one man's junk is another's treasure. I'm going there today if they're open.

Julie Heath


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